Khamis, 12 April 2012

Mengaktifkan diri

Salam semua. Yes, it has been ages aku tak update apa-apa pun kat blog. Been really busy to the max wa cakap lu.haha. This semester im taking 8 subjects thats why la tahap kesibukkan gua macam haram sedikit.Harap maklum. Dalam pada sibuk menuntut ilmu dunia dan ilmu Allah, aku sempat jugak la memaksa diri aku jebakkan diri dalam society kat kuliyyah aku. This is my first time joining the society since the past 1 and the half year i've been in UIA, so i'm quite excited about it. At first masa nampak meja pendaftaran ' registration for new sub-comm' I was like 'nak masuk ke tak' nak masuk ke tak'. Then I was like ' kang dah masuk,busy pulak, takda masa nak belajar'. Then one moment, my roomate said that she already took the form for me. Yipppie. haha. Macam tau-tau je roomate aku yg aku mmg nak join benda alah tu.haha. Nak dijadikan cerita supaya lebih enak di dengar, aku berjaya di serap masuk ke dalam EMSS SPORT SECRETARIAT. Aku tak minat biro lain so memang syukur la dapat biro yang aku minat. Since aku memang minat bersukan and rasa sukan tu sangat dekat dengan aku,aku pun apply la for Sport Bureau. The best part is my close friends sumedapat masuk biro yang sama, lagi la best kan, geng bas sekolah sume satu biro. haha. Since that day when I was offered to be part of the Sport Secretariat's member, I knew a lot of new things and the wonderful part is I got the chance to get to know many new friends.

Tak nak cerita banyak, aku just nak share my new family member kat uia ni. :-)